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  • We seek to replace systems of punishment with paradigms grounded in healing, relationship, compassion, and love. 

  • We strive to build and maintain anti-racist, anti-carceral, and anti-oppressive frameworks in our work.

  • There is no one curriculum, one way, or one model that can capture the spirit of transformation or be the answer to change — we honor each person's agency, their socio-cultural context, and the multiple ways of knowing, healing, and transforming. 

  • We aim to strengthen communities — not systems. Our work supports the wisdom, practices, and liberation of communities with lived experience. 

  • Our work intersects with various fields and movements, including reentry from incarceration, restorative and transformative justice, indigenous peacemaking, and land-based healing. 

  • If our social conditions change or our work becomes harmful, The Ahimsa Collective is not attached to being a physical organization. 

  • Each day, we hope to act with the patience of a thousand years and the urgency of tomorrow.

What Does Ahimsa Mean?

Ahimsa is a Sanskrit word that means non-harm and nonviolence. Ahimsa is more than a word; it is the concept of abstaining from violence in one’s mind, body, spirit, actions, and thoughts; it is about cultivating a spirit of not causing harm.

Copyright © 2024 | The Ahimsa Collective | All rights reserved. 

Ahimsa is a Sanskrit word that means non-harm, and non-violence.  

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