Restorative Justice
This page provides a link to some useful articles and films, resources in restorative justice and peacemaking, as well other organizations offering trainings.
Restorative Justice Movement Building Report
​Local and National Organizations that offer Trainings
Eastern Mennonite University: Summer Peacebuilding Institute
- Kingian Nonviolence Trainings: East Point Peace Academy
Hollow Water. Dir. Bonnie Dickie. National Film Board of Canada. 2000.
Restorative Welcome and Reentry Circle. Dir: Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth. 2013
Meeting With A Killer. See Excerpt. Dir. Lisa Jackson. Superfine Films, 2001.
Restorative Justice: Why do we need it? 3 min animation Dir: Brave New Films , 2016.
Healing Justice: Cultivating a World of Belonging. Dir. Butler, Shakti. View trailer here.